Linee |
29/10/2006 |
Filippo ha fatto questi disegni in 4a
elementare utilizzando un quaderno a quadretti e tracciano delle linee.
Arrivare alla soluzione qui presentata è stato un gioco da ragazzi. Filippo made this drawing during his 4th year at the elemtary school, drawing up lines using a notebook with quads. It was really a childs game to come to the solution represented in this page.
Per realizzare il tutto ho utilizzato un piano di
legno dello spessore di 25mm e delle dimensioni di 200x200mm. |
For the construction, I have used a table of wood, with a thickness of 25mm and the dimensions of 200x200mm. The wholes have a diameter of 6mm and a deepness of 15mm; the distance between every whole is 15 mm which makes a totale of 13 wholes per side. I have put wooden sticks with a diameter of 6 mm and a height of 30mm in the wholes. If You don’t have an adeguate drill to make the wholes You’d better use nails instead of the wooden sticks. Here You can find a useful drawing for making the construction. |
29/10/2006 |